Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Shock

Things happen that shock you. Today someone I looked up to as a motivator and inspiration was hit by a train and didn't survive. I had only really been introduced to Greg Plitt 6 months ago when he was the guest speaker at a health and fitness convention I went to in the Gold Coast with one of my best friends last year. We listened to him speak for a good 7 hours. And although everyone listened to the same words, everyone took a different meaning.

For me at the time, my career path was hugely up in the air. I had so many things on the go and was unsure where I was headed. You have nothing to lose. One of the he things he said. More then once. The only way you get injured is if you hesitate. And that was what I was doing. I was hesitating. I didn't trust myself and I most certainly didn't believe in myself. It was time to start backing myself

For my friend, she had had a rough year and this was like her wake up call. It was time for her to stand on her own two feet again, to do he hat she wanted to do, what every she wanted to do and forget about the past. The session got me thinking, but it brought her back to life. 

So as soon as the news broke that he was gone, she was on the phone to me. But I didn't answer. She tried again and I still didn't answer, nor did I answer the three times after that either. Finally I did ring her back and she was devastated. The flame that had light the fire back in her had been put out. She had set her goals for the new year and I got her to tell them to me. This was my wake up call. What if today was your last day? Have you done everything you've wanted to do? Have you lived the best possible life you could have? Have you given your absolute all to everything that matters to you? You control the possibilities. 

Within his talk Greg had said that if he died tomorrow he would be happy. He had lived an amazing life and done everything he had wanted to do. Last year was a big one for me and I believe that I am now living the amazing life that I have wanted for so long now. I have a handle on problems that held me back from this amazing life up until now and I finally have the chance to make my mark. I've just got to do it. If I was to die tomorrow, what would I want to be remembered for? Am I living up to that legacy now? 

I will admit I haven't set my goals for the year yet. I have a few targets I want to meet but I am still letting last year sink in. But one thing I have now that I didn't have last year is the the want to be in the fight. If you died tomorrow, would you be happy with what you've done? You've got nothing to lose. 

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