Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Best Friend

My best friend in life, as my mum would call it, is now living in rural Adelaide. She moved there around 14 months ago now for a radio job she got at the ABC. She is the next up and coming host of Getaway or Sunrise, she is just working her way up there...just you wait!

We have the kind of relationship that no matter how much time passes between our chats, emails etc it is like we were with each other yesterday. When she first moved away, I was worried we were going to drift apart. But I shouldn't have worried. What probably prepared my in particular for this separation easy was the year she had spent abroad studying and travelling Canada and the US. In that situation not only were we in separate hemispheres, but we were separated by time zones and our equally busy schedules. this made finding time to Skype difficult. But I survived and when she did finally come home, it was like she had never been away.

She had just spent 6 weeks travelling Europe and stopped in to Perth for a couple of days on her way back home. And just like when she had been on exchange, no time had passed. we could have talked all morning about her travel stories, the very little Perth gossip, work, family and friends from both halves.

And before I knew it she was on another plane and back to Adelaide to launch herself back into working towards the dream job. And even though I don't think I've spoken to her since she was here, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what she's up to...it's a sixth sense!

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