Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Special Occasions

This image popped up in my pinterest feed, and it was like an Oh My God moment for me. So many times, with so many different items have I thought to myself 'I will save this for a special occasion'. Going way back I remember getting given things like bath bombs and salts for birthday and Christmas presents I wanted to save them for a special occasion. Now I don't know what I classified as a special occasion to use these items and I often left them so long that by the time I did get around to using them, they had completely dissolved and were pretty much useless!

Another one that gets me and of people around me is expensive, quality, gourmet produce. People think oh this is really good oil or cheese or whatever, I will save it for a special occasion. By the time an occasion comes around that you deem to be 'special' enough, the produce has gone off and you have to through it in the bin! What a waste that was!

For my mum's 50th birthday she was given a really good bottle of champagne and she said this exact thing - she's going to save it for a special occasion. Her 50th birthday was 3 years ago now and that bottle is still sitting there. The longer this bottle sits there, the more it seems to be losing its meaning and she probably doesn't even remember who gave it to her any more!

Seeing this image reminded me that we need to live every day to the fullest. We are lucky to be able to wake up each day and go with what life has to offer us, so why don't we treat each day like a special occasion. There is something special about every day!

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