Monday, August 19, 2013


On this still Sunday morning in the middle of winter, I was asked to run a stretching and mobility workshop for the Women's Academy of Triathlon. They were up in Kings Park - our piece of wildlife in the heart of the CBD for their early morning running session and were then going to stay on for my workshop. I headed up to Kings Park at around 7.30am for a run of my own and got out of my car to this view, and as the titled says - no filter was needed. The light was beautiful.

I love having this huge botanical garden/bushland not even a kilometre for our city. It makes escaping from the busy city that much easier and also creates the most amazing view to just sit and look for a while! It was the perfect morning for a run through the bush, no rain in sight, and to finish the morning off my workshop was really well received and the women and I had a great laugh!

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