Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Seriously Awesome Team

Today was the day we have been training for months to complete...Tough Mudder! As a part of the Imperium Tough Bitches and Bastards Team, we drove up there together in our team shirts, hair braided and gloves ready, but the nerves were evident.

Managed to check ourselves and our bags in, have the last of our nervous pee's and scale the two meter wall into the holding pen just in time for the pump up talk before launching onto the 20km course with the other 600 Mudders in the first wave of the day.

While getting split up a bit throughout the running, we congregated together at the obstacles and helped each other over, under, in, out and through all the obstacles...we flew through them! Our training definitely made the obstacles easy, it was more the running that was the test. On the second obstacle we had one member down when she fell off a wall and smashed up her leg. This was an added challenge to her running and made uphills really hard. So the guys pitched in and started piggy backing her up the hills....lucky we'd trained for that!

The electric eel...the one I dreaded the most! Crawling through mud with high voltage wires hanging over the top and zapping you. I didn't realise I was getting zapped until about halfway through. It felt like a pop, kind of what a muscle tear feels like but without the ongoing pain that follows a muscle tear...really hard to describe. I got to the end of the tunnel and luckily was pulled out by some guy, by which point my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest.

Artic other words, 10m Ice Bath. Once you go under the wall in the middle your body starts to shut down. You have to keep moving to get out but your body just doesn't go, you see someone reaching to pull you out and the logical thing would be to reach out and let them pull you but that just doesn't come to mind, and you will probably forget to breathe. When you do finally get out, you are numb and can barely put one foot in front of the other.

But team work was the key to the whole thing. Without the amazing supportive, motivating and inspiring team I was with I would not have made it through and not have had such an awesome time out on the course!

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