Thursday, October 17, 2013


Yep, I'm thankful for Burpee's. There is no better single exercise that skyrockets your heart rate instantly and works your whole body. At my bootcamp, I say this one word and can already hear the groans before the 'ees' come out of my mouth, but I can honestly say they do get easier.

Since I quit competitive swimming 6 months ago, Burpee's weren't on my daily to do list. However now, they kind of have (I feel those strange looks your giving me). Since changing my workout routine to a more land based routine, I would say I'm doing Burpee's daily. I to use to struggle and hate them just as much the next person, but since my daily increase in burpees, I had to chuckle at Tough Mudder training the other day, when our warm up was 50 Burpee's, which I flew through.

So stick with the Burpee's, they will get easier if you work at them!!


  1. Enjoy crossfit !
    Saludos desde Espaňa.
    De deportista positiva a deportista positiva
