Saturday, October 12, 2013

Time Fillers

I spent the day in the hospital emergency department with my brother....long story short, he had a complication after cycling (not life threatening) that resulted in serious pain and vomiting amongst other things. With my parents still being overseas, I was the next of kin to my brother. We arrived at the hospital around 10.30 am - where he pretty much crawled through the front doors while I parked. By the time I got back, he had been taken straight through to start his exam and I sat with a clerk and filled out all the paper work.

By the time I was taken through to him, he was in the hospital gown, in the foetal position on the bed. He was quickly given pain and anti-nausea meds (the first round of which he threw straight back up again) which finally started to kick in. The doctor came by not long later and identified two possible diagnoses, to be confirmed by ultrasound. He was put at the top of the list but still waited over 2 hours before been taken off for the scan.

In the midst of the panic of getting him to hospital in the first place, I frantically grabbed my iPad as I knew I was going to have to try and contact my parents at one point. Not only was I able to do that, I had some PD material on it that I finally had a chance to read, once all the assessments had been completed and we waited for the scheduled ultrasound. It may sound terrible, but this reading was the distraction I needed at this point from how my parents (still unable to contact them) were going to react, the possible complications that were ahead of us (well my brother), and the stress of getting in contact and cancelling my clients at work for the rest of the day.

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