Sunday, October 6, 2013

Great Smelling Shampoo

This is not my normal shampoo, it was one of the spare ones we had in our bathroom for when one half of the shampoo/conditioner combo runs out. But after how my hair smelt after I had used it, I could be persuaded to use it on a more regular basis! I love washing my hair when the shampoo smells amazing - squeezing it out onto my hand, scrubbing it through my hair and then rinsing it that sounds so weird! But it's true!

The added bonus of a great smelling shampoo - my hair is normally kept in a bun throughout the day to keep it out of the way when I'm working. It gets thrown up while it's still damp, so when I take it out at the end of my day, I get another whiff of the smell that went through my hair earlier that day...mmm!

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