Thursday, October 31, 2013


Some days you just want to punch something. Whether it's stress, happiness, frustration, excitement,  anger or exhaustion; punching something always feels good. The harder you hit it the better you feel. However I suggest you don't just go around throwing punches...may not end so well (ask my friend who threw a punch at the wall and ended up with a broken hand!).

Go to a boxing class. I box 2-3 times a week, and what is even better then punching a stranger or a friends, twice a week I get to punch my mum! I get to take out 3 days worth of frustration I've built up in 1 fast paced intense hour. I can punch pretty hard, but I can kick even harder and I love to unleash my kicks on my poor mother, she really doesn't enjoy them!

So when the emotion is building up, find a local boxing will feel sooooo much better after!

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