Tuesday, October 22, 2013


It was pointed out to me the other day, by a couple of different people, that I like to give. I have never really thought much of it, giving is a good thing right? It makes you feel good about doing something to help others, it makes the receiver feel loved and special...everyone wins!

I give physio advice and sometimes treatment, I run a free bootcamp, I teach people to swim, I bake people stuff, I pay for others meals, I do computer stuff for others...all for nothing in return. But someone made a point to me the other day that maybe I'm giving too much of myself to others that I'm either going to burn myself out or lose the value of my self worth. I put others before I put myself all the time and my health may suffer from it. That I need to be able to receive just as much as I give.

Being a giver...receiving is hard. Sometimes your try to fight it, like if someone says they will shout you coffee, you say nah it's fine I've got it. Or if I'm teaching someone to swim and they say how much do you want for the session, I'm like are you kidding?? I'm just happy you want to learn to swim!  But I did receive these beautiful flowers from my best friend who is living in Adelaide now, and after a seriously hard week, to come home to these made me melt! And it's not like I would push these away, but having her in a different part of the country not only made receiving the flowers much easier, but was so much more meaningful that she had organised these from so far away.

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