Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Believe Board


I started putting together my board at the start of the year. At the time I had only just started my new job, I was finding my feet outside uni life, trying to sort out a new daily routine and fitting my active life around my work schedule. Also at this time I was still right into my competitive swimming, so on my board there was a lot about setting up my career as a physio, open water and pool swimming and competing.

It had been a while since I had actually stood in front of and looked at my board. I would glance at a different picture each time I went past it but not actually taken to time to look at the board as a whole.

When I did actually stand and look, I realised that some of what was on my body was completely irrelevant to my life now. For example all the open water swimming calendar's when I have quit professional swimming and have been completely deterred from open water racing - this was almost more a negative on my board and had to come off.

A couple of things I was looking at for inspiration - I have been working on changing my way of thinking to try and develop more confidence in myself and my abilities rather then comparing myself to other and what they do...more that had to come off. Also my career direction is constantly changing and what was up on my board did not reflect my current direction, so off it came.

A Believe, Inspiration, Motivation, whatever you want to call it Board is a great way to provide direction and motivation and makes you sit down and think about what you really want. Give it a go and see if you know where your heading.

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