Saturday, October 5, 2013

TOUGH Mudder Training

21 days until the big day, Tough Mudder that is. Just to clarify Tough Mudder is a 20km obstacle course taking the participants through mud pits, over walls, swinging on ropes, plunging into ice baths and running through hanging electric wires amongst many other challenges. I'm still asking myself why I have signed up for this one!

This mornings training session was heavy...literally! The idea was to go heavy weight for each of the exercises as we were doing 4 rounds of a 6 station circuit, spending one minute at each station. For example, I lucked into shouldering the 20kg power bag (which a couple of weeks ago I was no where near capable of) dead lifting a 24kg kettle bell and running a 10kg med ball up 4 flights of stairs.

Tough was one word I could use to describe it, considering my strength would be the downfall of my fitness. But getting through a session that challenges your weakness like that makes you feel seriously good, especially when you are taking weights that you couldn't do only 2-3 weeks before!

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