Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Teaching Others To Love Swimming

For a couple of months now this chick has wanted to learn to swim. Coming from the UK where swimming is not as big as it is here in Aus, she wasn't brought up learning the technique which comes behind efficient swimming, and after being away for 6 weeks, she was determined that now was the time to learn. So with winter almost behind us now, one Saturday arvo, she put on some bathers, I gifted her with a cap and goggles to get her motivated and she took the plunge!

I asked he to show me how she swims at the moment so I had a starting place and worked out what needed to be changed. Straight away - head out of the water swimming like a waterpolo player - so lets start with breathe and blow timing and  coordination. Within half an hour, she had progressed from kicking and turning her head to breathe to the side, to one arm freestyle on a board, to  two arm freestyle on a board, to two are freestyle with breathe and blow with NO BOARD! Not only did she get all the coordination within 30 minutes, she could sustain it over 20m as well.

I'm happy to say that she now has the swimming bug! Calling herself a mermaid she is now swimming every other day and is so close to being able to swim 50m without stopping!

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