Friday, November 1, 2013


In Australia, this American holiday is a bit hit and miss. Some people really get into it, I was driving home from work and training last night and I saw some kids dressed up in costumes walking around the streets obviously Trick-or-Treating. I don't know if I have never been driving home at this time in the past (probably normally in the pool) or the holiday is slowly becoming more popular down under, but this is the first time I have seen people out in costumes going from door to door.

Personally, I don't really get into Halloween, not phased by haunted houses or any of that. However, when I was 13 I did go to a Halloween party at a school friends house and we went trick-or-treating around her suburb. But really once was enough for me, have ticked that off my list and don't feel the need to ever do it again. I remember when I was going to this party, my mum made it very clear to me that she didn't really support the whole idea of Trick-or-Treating, knocking on strangers doors etc.

Times must of changed because over the past few years, I have noticed that each year she becomes more and more prepared for Halloween. And despite getting her little pumpkin and lollies to put inside it, we have never once had a Trick-or-Treater come to our door. A couple of years a go it was just a packet of lollies in the cupboard in case someone came by. The next year the packet was waiting at the front door. The next year she had bought the pumpkin which was waiting at the front door. This year I arrive home from training to see the pumpkin waiting outside the front door in our drive way. And you know what still no Trick-or-Treaters! But here's to being prepared mum!!

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