Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I don't know if you noticed the tag line behind my blog, but it is 365 Days of Being Thankful. I started this blog a year ago with the plan of writing one post a day, finding something I was thankful each and every day.

I started this blog because I was having some days that were totally draining, monotonous and I was really struggling to see the good in each day. So I decided to force myself to find the good. That no matter how terribly my day was going, I would make the effort to find at least one thing in that day that made me smile, made me happy and more importantly, I was thankful for. You see everyone has more in their life to be thankful for then they realise. Such as knowing that the sun is going to come up again tomorrow, having a roof over your head at night, having socks without holes in them or having friends and family around you. And this is what I wanted to find myself.

So I started out on my mission. Every day for a full year, I was to find something, anything, that I was thankful to have seen, heard or experienced in that day no matter how big or small it was. I'm not going to lie, I didn't know whether this would have been something I was going to stick with. I did start out the year by making a book out of it. I had a program on my computer and each day I would take a picture of what I was thankful for and write a quick sentence or two. And as I expected I was getting sick of it very quickly. So how could I make myself more accountable to it? Put it on the web for the world to see. And so the world has seen it (according to my stats, I'm big in Brazil...Hi Brazil!!). This meant I had to keep writing, so I did. I am thrilled to say that this is post number 365. I made it!

Confession time, I am a couple of days out. And the reason for this, is that I missed three days. I didn't get a post up on Christmas Day, on the day I competed in the Three Vs.Three Showdown and the final one was the Saturday just gone. Each of these days, the lack of post has been because I have been out all day and by the time I got home it was late and getting to bed was the only thing on my mind. It's no excuse I know, but I have made it up by going those couple of days extra to make it 365 posts.

Over this past year I have learnt more about myself then I could have ever imagined. What I value and my passions, the people around me and the influence they have in my life. I'm not going to lie since starting this blog it has been an absolute rollercoaster in terms of work, study, life, family and friends, changes, growing up and self growth. And I have documented it all here! It has been amazing to look back at. I have filtered some of my posts a little but you have seen my highs and my lows over this past year which is both scary to me and exciting. So thankyou for sharing the journey with me.

So where to now? This is where I am calling on you. I have had a lot of readers from all corners of the world (yes I can see these things) and I want to know what you think. Do you want me to keep writing, tell me what you have liked and what you haven't. Tell me what you are thankful for. I want to get more people appreciating the smaller things in life.

Tell me what you notice in your day to day life. Post below, email me do what ever you need to do but get you thoughts out there. Today I am thankful for you!

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