Tuesday, August 5, 2014


You can never go wrong with pink. From a very young age, pink is stereotyped with girls. Pink clothes, pink blankets, pink nappies, pink baby cutlery pink tutu's. It's girly and its cute, what every young girl should be. I was your typical pink princess growing up. All my dancing outfits were pink, pink plastic high heeled shoes, pink teddy bear...your very much stereotypical little girl.

But one day when I was probably about eleven, I suddenly hated pink. Pretty sure I went to bed one night in my pink pj's and woke up the next morning pulling them off as fast as possible. Complete one-eighty and I think I kept my mum guessing. For me it was now purple!

Glad to say my 'I Hate Pink' phase did wear off after a couple of years and I began to embrace all colours evenly. But what I do love about the colour is that it is feminine but bold, girly but it still stands out in a crowd.

Strong confident females...that's what I associate with bright pink. Which is why it is one of the colours of the Perth Fit Chix and was a good choice for my current splint. Confident, standing out from the crowd, bold but still girly. You can never go wrong with pink.

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