Thursday, August 7, 2014

This Girl

You know those people that are just fun to be around? No matter what is going on elsewhere, being around that person always, without fail makes you smile and laugh by doing nothing in particular other then just being 100% themselves. Yeah this girl is one of those ones!

She trains under FitChix and with my bootcamp. Every day without fail she arrives to training with the biggest smile on her face and almost screams hello at you. Immediately you can't help but smile back! She is also an absolute beast and when she trains she goes hard! Her pain faces are almost as entertaining as the names she has picked out for her yet to be bought pets...I'm worried what her children are going to end up with.

The other thing that has me in stitches each and every day is that she is South African. Moments of stress, or sometimes just for no reason at all she reverts to speaking Afrikaans. Some of the words she throws at us have us turning to each other with massive puzzled looks on our faces try to work out what on earth she is saying.

For example greeted a girls with 'How are you gog '. But with her pronunciation to you typical Aussie, we took this as 'How are you whore?' Needless to say, Whore is now this girls nickname amongst those in the know. And another more recent example was when she was asking a coach about how the tears on her hands were. Picture this - the coach had her back to this girl and was bending over to pull something out her bag. 'How is your Anar's?' Again, the aussie interpretation - 'How is your Anus?'. Oh wow!

The photo above was taken at FitChix last night and I'm sad to say she didn't approach with her usual bounce and smile. Turns out she was wicked sore and super tired from training last (proud coach moment) and that turned out to be almost as funny while she was training as the crazy phrases she comes up with! For example the above is her interpretation of a med ball slam - a deep squat to push the press the slam ball above your head and slam it down as hard as you can. Not for her today - pick it up nice and slow, no need to go over head and let it just roll off you hand back down! That's all.

But true to form, she still had myself, the other coach and all the FitChix laughing for 45 minutes and this is why we love her! I am thankful to have such an incredible person in my life who makes me smile and laugh whenever I am around her despite everything else that is going on!

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