Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Learning From Those Who Have Succeeded

It is no secret that when it comes to running a business, I am totally clueless. Completely and utterly. Had you have asked me only 6 months ago if I wanted to run my own business, any type of business, it would have been a flat out, straight HELL NO! it just all seemed to complicated, risky and hard for my small little head to handle. 6 months later, here I am - going into running a business with 3 friends...how did that happen?

So when it comes to running a successful business I wouldn't even know where to begin! So I decided to go and learn from those who had done it, done it very well and are considered to be some of the best entrepreneurs in the country (I think it took me all weekend to learn how to even spell entrepreneur, I consider that another success on my behalf!).

I registered for The Entourage's Unconvention. The Entourage is Australia's largest educator and community of entrepreneurs under the age of 40. It team and founding members together run some of the countries most successful businesses and want to share how best to succeed with the other entrepreneurs, giving them the very best chance to have a kick ass business too.

The Unconvention was a free convention that the members tour around the country that involves the founder of The Entourage Jack Delosa, and fellow highly successful business owners tell their story, and share their secrets with anyone willing to listen.

Like I said, business and all things behind it are completely new to me and the way these guys broke some of the lessons down into methods that even I could understand (like writing a system for example - and the purpose, need and structure of these systems) completely blew me away. I would even go as far to say that I am now excited to be in business (!?!?).

Going back to 'how did that happen' which I mentioned above, the last speaker of the day Bradley Smith, founder of Brappp had a messaged that leaped out at me more then anything I had heard throughout the day (and it had been a long day and I'd heard a lot!!) He said

'Sometimes when it's not working, it's working perfectly. Because the world is conspiring to help us'

In my current situation, this is 100% true. More on this at a later date! I can't reveal all my pearls of wisdom at once. So today I am thankful for those who are willing to share, and want others to be as successful as they are.

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