Friday, August 8, 2014


Haha yes, being able to do this would be nice! I have wanted to try for a long time but with my current arm situation I still have this image on stand by for when I'm game enough to try this! I am not completely talking about muscle flexibility in this post but why not start there?

I am blessed to be bendy. As I have said before. I wasn't naturally super flexible but not stiff as a board either. But what I was, was determined to get all three of my splits at around age thirteen when I was dancing. So every night after my shower while my muscles were still warm, I would hold each split for three minutes each. It worked. I got all my splits within a couple of months. And I still have reap the benefits of the huge amount of stretching I did when I was younger.

Since I stopped teaching dance last year I will admit I have lost a bit, but knew that was going to happen. Luckily I am in a profession where I know what needs to be done and do my regular mobility to keep my body in check. This allows me to get into the strange positions required for some of the workouts I do and gives my body enough elastic energy.

But lets move onto the other flexibility I have been taking about. Due to being unable to do my normal day job at the moment, most of my normal routine has gone completely out the window. I am normally an absolute stickler for routine, so this new abundance of time has definitely thrown me a little. But three weeks in, I think I have almost gotten use to it a little. I use to rush between getting one thing after another done, rapidly ticking things off my daily list that by the time I got to my surgery, after working his way for 18 months, I was exhausted.

Being forced into doing very little over the past few weeks is probably one of the best things for me physically and psychologically. Although I still tend to try and fill my day and have things planned and scheduled, the flexibility I have in my days at the moment is becoming less scary and I am learning that I don't have to plan every second of every day. It's ok to take things as they come sometimes.

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