Friday, August 15, 2014

Veins Popping

Don't ask me why, but in the gym world for some reason prominent veins are envied. so superficial and vain (hahaha I'm good) I know but that's just the way things are. One of the girls I train with has very superficial and large diameter veins, so she gets some nice vein definition with every session. As our gym husband would say...'oh the vascularity!'.

Our other training partner is not so vein-y and her current training obsession, is biceps. That has been her goal for a few weeks now - get her biceps vein out.

This morning was the first session following surgery that I tried some left side only upper body work. Some one handed push-ups, pec fly's, biceps curls and upright rows. For me, biceps curl number two and BAM there was the vein. I couldn't help but laugh! I have done nothing with my arms in over a month and two curls in and the vein comes out.

 Maybe because it is a bit deconditioned or maybe just all the stars aligned. But had to giggle at the ease I could getting it out with after our other training partner has been trying for so long.

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