Sunday, August 10, 2014

Well Run Events

 This weekend I went to watch the Allstar Affiliate Series, a team Crossfit competition that is being held in the major cities around Australia. It is a team competition where teams of three chicks and three guys work together to get out reps as a team, in pairs and on their own. There were over 430 athletes competing in this weekends events over a massive two days of competing.

The organisation and conduction of this event was pretty incredible. The staff managed to put 430 people through 4 workouts a day on two consecutive days like you wouldn't believe. There was a time line posted and they stuck to it. Impeccably.

Watching an event like this one - enforces how much I respect volunteers - those who work incredibly hard to make events like this happen; and two - kills me that I cant get back to stuff this this sooner, however also makes me wayyy more determined to prove people wrong once again!

Hats off to the people at AllStar Sports Affiliate Series. You guys put on one hell of a competition.

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