Sunday, August 17, 2014

New Skills

Perth FitChix today put on a Kettlebell Skills Workshop for our member and any Chix in the wider community wanting to learn some new skills or fine tune those their may already have. Our aim behind the event was to provide our members with the knowledge and capabilities of performing more then just a goblet squat or a swing with the kettlebells as they are such a versatile piece of equipment that give a whole body workout without even realising.

After a quick warm up we launched it off with Turkish Get Ups, the sequencing posed a challenge for some, but balancing the shoe on their fist as they got up was the one that got them all. Swings became second nature to them so we added in one arm, and alternating swings followed by renegade rows, into push ups and burpee dead lifts.

We went through clean, racking the bells, presses and snatches all before putting them through a final 5x5x5 workout. The workout was explained to the girls and sounded very simple. By the time their got to round three the faces on them all had changed and they realised just how brutal the bells can be. The girls who came along to the event worked hard. We threw a lot of content at them and they picked most of it up like they have been doing it for months! Can't wait to throw what they have learnt into the classes they have to come!

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