Saturday, August 9, 2014

Supporting A Cause

Supporting a good charity, helping to raise awareness about a movement or an issue I feel strongly about is something I regularly like to be involved in. The major charity I support is Telethon - a big, well known WA charity which raises money for the states children's hospital and research development institute, all aimed at helping kids with illness. There is nothing worse then a sick kid and this charity does AMAZING things!

There are a few community issues I feel quite strongly about. The publicly well known and obvious one is active living. Exercise and healthy eating of foods tat are as close as possible to their natural state is how I live my life and try to get everyone around me living theirs too. This is the stuff I live love and breathe.

The one above has been introduced to me by this friend who is actively supporting this cause for her own reasons. #screwthetaboo is a suicide prevention campaign which is encouraging people to talk about one of the biggest topics that is taboo in todays world, suicide. The leading cause of death in Australians under the age of 44.

Almost everyone has some kind of connection to this topic - friends, family, loved one or just people they know. More often then not it is brought up very quickly and being an extremely confronting, distressing and overwhelming topic of conversation, it is quickly stuffed back down again. It brought up quite a bit of emotion on my behalf also.

I am not yet in a place where I can openly discuss my experience with this subject, but I am more the thankful that people are trying to break down the taboo that is associated with suicide. If we have more people in the world not afraid to address the topic, you have no idea how much a simple conversation can literally change someone's life.

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