Monday, August 18, 2014


Guilty. I use to hate Mondays. I wouldn't say that I hated my job but it definitely didn't make Mondays overly exciting. There were definitely parts of Physio that I loved! I had some awesome clients whose treatment sessions would just make my day and were so entertaining. But there were only a handful of these spread out through my week.

My current work situation is very much different to how it was a month a go. I am no longer working as a Physio due to my post surgical instructions, instead as you all probably know by know, I am co-director of Perth Fit Chix. And can I just say, I am loving this job!! There is always work to be done with this business so it's not like it really stops over the weekend, but Monday signifies the start of a new week of training with our girls, the launching of new ideas, events and posts and educating and inspiring the people of Perth.

I wake up on a Monday morning and am excited to work. Today for example I was planning an upcoming event that we are putting forward to our Fit Chix. Their first triathlon. I have spent the day coming up with training programs, advertising material and organising guest speakers. I have also trekked out to get clothes printed (which with still being unable to drive is more of a task then it seems). Today has been a productive day which I am just as thankful for as having a job that I love so much that Monday's now are just as good as Friday's.

I have always said that I don't want to work a day in my life. I am a big believer that you should love what you do. If you love what you do, you will give it 100% effort 100% of the time. Not because you have to but because you want to! Money has never been a big driver for me. Sure I want to make enough to survive my day to day life, but I am not going to spend my life doing something I hate just to make a heap of money, which in the type of work you need to make this much means you don't have the time or the lifestyle set up to enjoy it. I would rather live and love each day, then one in every five days. But that's just me.

So how was your Monday? Did you spend it doing things you loved?

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