Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I've written about animated movies before, and how there is nothing better then a good kids movie. I am very simple minded in this regard and if I am going to try and watch something, I am often doing it because I don't want to have to think about plots and characters and the meaning behind it all. I have a friend who is an absolute movie nut and she goes off trying to decipher the underlying plot, symbols and connotations....wayyyyy to hard for me.

I've had a bit of an average week psychologically and it's stopped me sleeping for the past few days. So I was sitting trying to get through some work yesterday and I just had nothing in me. I found myself staring at my word document with a couple of words on it for a good twenty minutes. At this stage I realised there was just no point trying to get anything done, because one my head was totally not in the game so my work was going to be well and truly sub-par which is not good for me, for my team or for our clients; and two, the more I was not getting done, the more I was getting worked up and frustrated...downwards spiral!

So I got up an left it there. I went and put my phone on charge an put it on silent, turned off my laptop and turned off my iPad. I was done. When I get wound up like this, there is something about reverting to my inner child which is comforting. Right after I'd had surgery, a friend had filled a hard drive with movies in the hope to strap me down and keep me still. She knew that I was a Disney fan, so she had put every Disney movie from the 1960's until 2008 on this hard drive and yesterday I was super thankful for that!

Hercules jumped out at me...maybe the strength I felt like I needed. And I watched it. given I got up 3 times, but it took me two hours to get through the one hour twenty seven minute movie. That was two hours that I didn't have to think or do anything in particular. Given I was still extremely tired by the end of it, but I am glad I was able to remove myself from the work and take a second for myself, which was what was going to be best for me and for the people around me that I was working with later that day and the days to come.

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