Sunday, August 3, 2014

Girls Kicking Guys Butts

Another girl and I combined forces to take this mornings Tough Mudder Session. Both of us had trained for, and taken part in the Tough Mudder Obstacle Race last year. We had a nice trip down memory lane, thinking about the sessions last year that we loved and that planted us on our arses...and combined them!

Prior to injury, I am normally a participant in these group sessions, but since I have been ruled out, there are no more girls training in the group. And there is nothing I like more then showing guys who's boss. Which might I add we did hands down. The session we put our guys through involved 20 laps of this hill - running forwards backwards, burpees and piggy backs; 40 burpees; 60 push ups; 80 sit-ups and finally 100 kettlebell walking lunges. By the end of the hills we had the guys bent over sucking in air...successful morning.

I get this at work as well. I am not the biggest of girls and I have pretty tiny hands. But the strength and force that I can get through those hands can easily bring a grown man to tears, and I have done so on many occasions. I love it when I walk out into the waiting room for a new male patient, call his name and a big athletic guy takes one look up and down at me and his doubt about my strength and ability is written all over his face. I love to break the stereotype and prove that girls can be strong too...expect the unexpected.

Women use to be see as the fragile, dependant and unable to support themselves. But times have well and truly changed! Women are now just as strong, reliable and self sufficient as guys and we are proving that we can stand on our own two feet and hold our own!. There is nothing I love more then seeing a chick kick butt, no mater what they are doing!

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