Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I am HUGE about commitment. If I have said I am going to do something I will bust my arse to make sure it is done! Whether that be run an errand for a friend, compete in a sporting event, write a program for a client or even just hang out the washing. I make my weekly plan days in advance and like to know what I've got on and when. People who know me well know I confirm plans with them well in advanced. If I have said I am gong to meet them, I am damn well going to be there.

So what drives me up the wall and really annoys me then, is people who cancel last minute! Yeah fair enough if your car broke down or your grandmother has been rushed to hospital, but if you tell me that you slept in, your hung over or some other pathetic excuse...not happy. You commit to something, you follow through, stay loyal and stay true to your word. Plain and simple.

This is something I have come across quite a lot recently when it comes to training. People often ask me how do they achieve certain fitness goals, lose weight, get some more muscle tone. It all comes down to commitment. I can tell you exactly what you need to do and how to do it, but if you don't commit to the plan and keep going even after the initial thrill and fun has worn off and things get hard. The biggest thing I want to teach people is that nothing worth having comes easy. Commitment leads to results, you get what you work for!

I like to think that I am a committed person. I commit myself to others to my training and I am working on committing to myself. It's work in progress, but I am thankful that I have a history of good commitment and I will get there!

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