Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sunshine Box

I honestly have the most incredible people in my life. There's no hiding the fact that over the last week in particular I have been getting increasingly frustrated with my arm and having to rely so heavily on others to help me out with things and take me places. I normally pride myself on my independence but recently that has been taken away to some degree and I have had to get people to do things like opening sliding doors for me, carry a mat....just little things that would make others think 'oh I would like someone to open a door for me'. But when you are so dependant  on other people for these things the novelty wears off.

A group of my friends - some of whom I train, teach and work with decided that I was in need of a bit of 'sunshine'. One girl so nicely put it that I am such a sunshine person to others, that they wanted to give some back. I was teaching a class last night, which all but one were in and on its completion I was getting ready to walk home again (still not allowed to drive) when I got called back to one girls car, one was insisting she was driving me home but they were all standing around the boot of a different car. Which was when I was presented with my box.

Apparently I looked so worried that something bad was going to happen, but in the end I was completely overwhelmed and had to hold back the tears until I got home. The effort these four girls had gone to I sourcing I swear every yellow smiley thing they could find is unbelievable. I have everything form a rubber duck, to a Frisbee to a wonder woman head band and a banana (personal joke between one girl out of the four). I am still honestly in shock and awe of these amazing girls and unbelievably thankful of the thought, effort, love and care they have put in and given to me today and over the past three weeks. I am still completely lost for words!

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