Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Today I turn the ripe old age of 23. I have lived for 23 years. Lots of people like to make a big deal out of their birthday, which often turns into birthday week, and good on them, I understand that it's something special to be celebrated. I on the other hand, tend not to tell people it my birthday and keep it pretty quiet. 

For me, making it to another birthday I see as a bit of an achievement. A couple of times there turning that year older was a bit of an mission. So now I kind of give myself a bit of a high five for turning that one year older. 

I got asked this morning by my best friend if I feel old. I remember when I turned 20 I was like wow, third decade, so old. This morning I actually said no, I feel no older and no different. But after I hung up the phone to her I sat for a minute and though about what has happened between birthdays this year. And it has been an absolutely huge year that I am surprised I am not feeling older or more experienced. 

In the year that has been I have worked in my first job as a full time Physio, I have got qualifications and started work in the fitness industry, I have become vegetarian and started cooking independently to my family and I have bought an apartment (amongst other things). I have done a lot this year, and yet feel the same, if not younger then I did when I turned 22. How does that work.

I think it may have something to do with working out what I want in life, and finally getting myself on track to being the best version of me that I can be. In this past year I have learnt the importance of looking after myself before I can look after others, and although I am probably not practicing this as much as I should be, I now understand the steps I need to take and the consequences if I don't. 

So although I don't shout my birthdays from the roof tops, I do take the day to be thankful that I made it another year and to look back on what being that one year older means to me.

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