Sunday, February 16, 2014

Winning At A Quiz Night, Without Actually Winning

I went to a quiz night organised by the Rotary Foundation last night raising money for children in East Timor.  I'm not the best asset to a quiz night team table, although I do think I make a pretty good scribe!

Our table last night was made up of all sorts. Three of us went to school together and one more we got to know during uni. We all knew that we were going together and would be on a table, but the rest were going to be a surprise on arrival.There was a guy who I've known for a while and was actually my high school ball date. Another guy, also around our age I had met once or twice before through my friend who was running the quiz night so it was good to see him again as well. The final two I had never met before. They were relatives of the chick who was organising the night that I knew and consequently ended up on our table. Considering our diversity as a team, we thought we had this in the bad....not quite.

We started our first two rounds off with a bang...3 correct answers, followed by 2. Wooden spoon here we come. But as the rounds progressed and we armed up, our performance did improve. And although we didn't come out on top, we did manage to get some pretty good spot prizes.

The first for our creative answer to What Was Adolph Hitler's Favourite Movie? Our answer: How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. We were then the fastest to be able to produce a photo (not digital) of a pet. Yep one of our table members had a tattoo of his pet. And finally, there was a Logo Quiz where we had a page of 16 logo's we had to name the company of. We got every single one! Those hours I spent playing Logo Quiz where definitely worth it!!

So although we didn't win the night, or the wooden spoon (woooooo!) we pulled it together and walked away pretty well off. But the real winners here were the kids of East Timor. After talking to my friend this morning, she said that have raised over $2500 in profit. Always remember that you don't have to come first to win!

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