Thursday, February 27, 2014

The World Wide Web

The internet seems to know everything these days, like literally everything! As per my post yesterday, it was my birthday. I clicked onto the internet in the morning and the google home page looked like this. 

Google knew it was my birthday. How scary is that!?! Kind of very cool that I logged on to have google wish me a happy birthday, but creepy at the same time. 

Have you noticed that adds that come up in the side panels of internet sites these days are often of things you have recently searched? The other day for example I was on a work out wear website and had selected a few items into the cart and left it there, as in not gone through with the purchase in the end. 

A couple of hours later I was checking my Facebook or something and up in the advert panel came the items I had been looking at onky a few hours earlier.. Again, a little creepy. 

More and more of our lives are online these days which can be a little confronting. But on a day like this, that breech of confidentially was a nice surprise.

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