Monday, February 17, 2014


The Internet is an incredible thing. Scary, but incredible. We can video chat to people all around the world pretty much by a click of a button. I bet if we went back in time 50 years from now and told people that we would be talking to each other from down the street, cross-continent and even international literally face to face, they would have given us funny looks and said we were dreaming.

One half of my twin friends has recently moved to the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra where she is completing a one year internship in movement analysis and biomechanics. Prior to now, she had never been separated from her other half for more then a couple of days, and is now separated by a couple of deserts and few thousand kilometres...big move!

So Sunday morning at 7.30am (because of the 3 hour time difference) a group of us ex-Penrhosians who were still in very close contact gathered at the Perth dwelling twins place (some were still waking up/recovering from the quiz night the night before) to make the interstate call via this incredible thing we now call Skype.

For two hours she was able to fill us all in about life at the AIS, give us a virtual tour of her room and we were able to fill her in on all the happenings back her in Perth since she'd left, well the details that she hadn't picked up on Facebook anyway. And all of this could be done while some people were eating breakfast and I was doing some injury management on the twin left behind...the perfect tool for multitasking.

So today I am thankful for the incredible advances we see in technology constantly, making it possible to contact, talk to and even see our friend who is now on the opposite side of the country. And making it feel like she is still in the room with us.

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