Saturday, February 15, 2014

Good Life Expectancy

I had a house warming sneak up on me this week. A friend has recently moved out of home with her boyfriend and tonight we have her housewarming. It only really crossed my mind yesterday, due to the craziness that my week has be made up of, housewarming present!!! At this point I was already at work and completely booked out until 6pm.

While training this morning (I think I was looking for any kind of distraction) it crossed my mind again. What was I going to get her? I made the decision to go to the farmers markets to pick up my fruit and veg today and when I got there the decision was made for me.

How cute are these little cactus's (cacti?). AND they are pretty much unkillable! While this friend is very reliable in maintaining life, such as her dog and birds in the past, having sturdy plants that require very little maintenance always gives me peace of mind.

And thinking about it, I would love to have a little cactus like this on my balcony when I move out.

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