Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The other day I sat myself into my car to start my 25 minute drive to work. I have found recently that the music I listen too on my way to work can often make or break my day. If I listen to fast pace, pop kind of music...it's going to be a good day. I will be pumped and ready to smash through my patients. If it's slower, more ballad kind of music  it makes me tired and the day seems to go on forever. If I barely get any music and more ad's on the radio, I just get frustrated!
So now I come prepared. I have the radio set with my two most preferred stations, I have my Katy Perry album in the CD slot and I have my phone plugged into my iTrip with my playlist loaded and ready to go. I tend to start with the radio, and if I flick through and don't get a decent song by the time I get to the end of my street, Phone goes on (little patience). If I flick through 4 songs on shuffle and am not happy with the song selection, CD takes over.
On this particular day however I got into my car, started the ignition and already playing on the radio was Roar. Goooood start! So the radio made it past the end of the street. Next came Sammie's Firestarter with no ad's between the two, radio's going well. I am happy to report that the whole 25 minute drive was filled with good fast paced music, each song I loved and not a single ad the whole way....needless to say it was a good day at work.
Music is a powerful tool. How can you use it to change your outlook on the day?

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