Saturday, February 8, 2014

Deciding to Live

Over the past 48 hours my life has taken a sharp right hand turn, in pretty much every possible aspect! My day started out after a relatively normal training session in the morning, I met a friend who had just broken up with his partner and was unsure what to do about upcoming travel plans which were suppose to be setting him up with an overseas job.

I then had the drama with my car (see A Really Good Friend for full details). I went to a busy day at work, I got picked up from work in my fixed and driving car and dropped at the gym for that arvo's training session. The day had wound me up completely and I had 20 minutes to just sit and breathe for a second. I was so happy the day was over, or so I thought.

I struggled through the session physically and emotionally exhausted and had been home for no more then 20 minutes when my dad comes powering in through the door from his walk, music still blaring through his head phones which were hanging around his waist and says to me "I have found you an apartment and I want to show it to you right now." Bombshell number 1.

I try and wrap my head around the words that have just come out of his mouth and say I have just spent a ridiculous amount of money on fixing my car, there is no way I can buy an apartment. Was told not even to think about that right now, just get in the car. So I did, still not sure what to think and he drove me to an apartment that had just been put on the market yesterday by a guy he use to work at the footy club with and had been walking with 15 minutes earlier.

The place is 2 minutes away from where I am currently living with my family and apparently that would make Mum happy because she is worried about me and wants to keep me close by...a completely different story. Not able to go in, Dad wanted to call the agent an organise a viewing the next day and, if I liked it, put an offer down before the end of the weekend. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!

Coming home, my head is spinning. All I could do was sit in my chair and I don't even know what I thought about for half an hour, but I could only sit there and not move. For 30 minutes. I managed to get into the shower (still in sweaty gym clothes) before getting on to check emails and do all the stuff I've needed to do all day, but other things have gotten in the way. My current job situation is also a little less then ideal, and now with the possibility of a mortgage in the near future, I realised I needed to do something about this. So an ad for a position opening had been emailed to me and I decided to reply to it. I didn't quite meet the selection criteria but what's the worst that could happen.

So I sent my CV and cover letter at 11pm that night. At 3.30am (needless to say I didn't sleep that night) I had a reply, saying that although I didn't meet the criteria, they were very impressed with my CV and wanted me to come for an interview. By 4.30 am I have an interview confirmed for 10am this coming Tuesday. Bombshell number 2.

By 8am I have decided that I might actually be able to do this. I have wanted to be able to move out of home for a while now, and ideally buy not rent. I have known I needed to change jobs, or move on from where I am currently working and I now have an interview to do just that. I have a practically new car (on the inside anyway).

I have decided to live the life I have wanted. Are you?

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