Friday, February 14, 2014

Efforts Into Packaging

I recently purchased a couple of crop tops from Style Runner who are a online work out wear site that supply some brands that aren't seen in many other places. There were a couple of things I loved about buying through this site.

First, they had my items at my front door within almost 48 hours, and I bought them on a public holiday, so I was expecting at least a 1 week wait before they arrived. Very thankful for the prompt shipping.

Second, the quality of the products. Prior to now I had never bought through these guys before, and I'm one that once I find something I like, I stick to it. So I rarely true different brands, but in this situation I'm glad I did.

Finally, and what I was most impressed with, was the effort they have gone to in packaging my items. It was like playing pass the parcel, or opening a birthday present. After getting rid of all the post bags, you have a silver box with Style Runner printed on the outside. Opening the box you find each item individually wrapped in purple tissue paper and sealed with their brand sticker. And finally is the hand written post card.

Although it is a big marketing ploy, it is no doubt that women love to feel like someone else has put in the time and effort to make them feel special, so today I am thankful for these people.

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