Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Strictly Serious?!

Strictly Ballroom, the well known movie is being turned into a Musical, filmed here in Australia and is being directed by Baz Luhrmann...kind of a big deal. I was notified at the end of last year that as part of the film/musical they were planning to film a flash mob on the steps of the Sydney Opera House and that I should apply to be a part of it. At the end of last year this was a great idea! I had worked 12 months and not taken any time off, a very quick trip to Sydney would be perfect. So I applied.

Yesterday I got this email. I have a spot in the flash mob that is going to be in a movie known world over by an even more famous director. What is happening in the universe at the moment? It's like the stars have aligned and EVERYTHING is working out (besides the car that is). I'd forgotten I'd even applied until I got this email.

The catch...I have to be in Sydney next Sunday. And I now have a mortgage. Is this really in my best interests at the moment. Yes, it would be a flipping amazing experience to be able to dance under a director of this calibre...but that could also be a fridge or a washing machine.

Every has said without a second thought, GO. But I feel I have already used my years worth of spontaneity. So I have decided to wait for my confirmation email to come later in the week and make a decision from there. What would you do?

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