Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Every year my RAC renewal bill comes in the mail and I look at it and think is this something I really need? Then I remind myself that I don't know how to change a tire and that my little car is getting up there in age now and I'm sure one day soon it may just conk out when I need to be somewhere very important...(touch wood not any time soon though!)

Yesterday I was very happy I had made the decision to renew this membership again this year. I was driving to work, and noticed that my air conditioner wasn't working. I noticed this because it was 37 degrees outside and probably over 40 degrees in my car, feeling the heat in my uniform.

Driving a little further I saw a light on my dash board, and while sitting in traffic (due to the fires happening down almost next to my work place - another story completely) and pulled out my car manual and looked up the light...engine cooling system malfunction. On a 37 degree day. No wonder I was stinking hot.

I knew that my car would be sitting out in the sun while I was working, don't know how much cooling would be happening, so after a quick liaison with my dad I called the RAC to see if they could come and do anything to get me home/to a mechanic...what ever needed to happen. I called and all was very easy and straight forward. I was running in and out of the practice, extremely lucky that my first patient had actually forgotten her appointment as I was wondering how I was going to be present at my car while the RAC were there (a legal requirement apparently) and treat patients at the same time.

But, amazingly the time lapse between making the call, and the van pulling in the driveway...7 minutes?!?! SOOOO thankful! Anyway it was explained to me in mechanic speak what was wrong and I wrote it all down, but pretty much all equated to 'you need a new radiator'. He filled up my water which held it together until this morning. Poor little car just couldn't hold on and is currently at the Dealership/Mechanics to have all these parts replaced.

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