Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Don't you always find that when people tell you not to or that you can't do something, it makes you want to do it soooo much more?! Could just be me, but if someone tells me I can't do something, I just say WATCH ME! I'm stubborn like that

Recently though I have has a lot of trouble with my back...again (long story for another day). I am normally one to push through the pain, but this time was different. I haven't been able to put weight through my left leg, I've been walking with a limp due to the sharp stabbing pain on each step and at some points couldn't stand for more then 15 minutes at a time. And I kept trying to run...see what I mean? Stubborn.

After trying to push through for two weeks, I finally caved and decided that I should really stop running. That was around 1 month ago. I have done a couple of short laps of the oval in this time...some better or worse then others and it was pretty obvious when I was in pain.

But this morning I got to put the running shoes back on and managed around 6km...not bad for my first run back. It started out feeling ok in my back and around the 3km mark was when I started to feel some tightness, but no sharp stabbing pain just yet. It wasn't until I was about 500m from home that I started to get a couple of sharp pains, so I knew I was at my limit and jumped straight on my roller and ball as soon as I got home to hopefully undo all the tension that has built up throughout my first run back.

Although it wasn't an amazing run, I am so thankful that I was able to get back to it and be relatively pain free on a whole.

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