Monday, February 24, 2014

Men and Laundry

Have a good look at the photo above. Can you see what is hanging in the tree? It's a blue work shirt, hung on a coat hanger on a branch in the tree. And what's even stranger is that it was purposely hung there by one of the guys in my boxing class, to finish drying before he had to put it on when we finished the class this morning.

This guy rides to the gym each morning, and on this particular day we could see him riding up the drive way with this shirt blowing in the wind behind him. Very cape like. He had forgot to put it in the dryer to be able to pack in his bag the night before so was letting it dry now. Completely normal!

We have also had another men and laundry experience in our house this week. Mum has been away on a girls trip, and I have been pretty flat out. So I managed to quickly get a load of washing done and hung out, but wasn't able to bring it in and fold it. So Dad decided to man up and take on the responsibility. He had a good try, and props to him for attempting to fold washing,  but I did have a little giggle at his methods of folding and decided areas of which to fold. But good on him.

I am always impressed when men try to take on the laundry, especially when they are trying to help out others!

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