Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thoughts Become Things

I am still in absolute shock how I can go from feeling that truly nothing is working in my favour and really just coasting along day by day, to suddenly, literally everything falling into place in the same 5 days. The universe really does work in strange ways and it has recently be taught to me that what you ask for, you will receive. That your thoughts really do get changed into actions.

The idea behind this is that the thought waves that you put out into the world are received and materialised. What you think about most is what comes into your reality. So if you were to think 'I want to get a promotion at work' a promotion at work will be presented to you. However if you were to think over and over 'I don't want my car to break down' , the I don't want part doesn't matter. You are putting out car break down. So that what will happen, in other words specify what you want. 

So I took it on board. I started trying to actively change the way I was thinking. Stop worrying about what I don't want to happen and instead ask for what I want. And you know what, a lot if what I asked for I have now received. Biggest and most outrageous by far was definitely the apartment. I mean how does that just wind up in your lap. 

So think about the thoughts you are sending out into the world. Are you asking for something you don't want or are you focused on what you do want in you life?

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