Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Well, I am now a first time home buyer. The past couple of days have truly been a rollercoaster!! Apartment was found on Thursday night. We then viewed in at the home open on Saturday. Saturday night we called the agent and said that I would like to make an offer. Sunday night at 6pm we met with the agent and put down my offer. At 8pm Sunday night while I was out with some friends, I got the call saying the owner had accepted my offer, congratulations you are the new home owner (come settlement in 30 days time).

I own an apartment. My head is still spinning and I'm still not entirely sure what I've got myself into. I'm excited and I'm terrified. There is currently a tenant in there who had a lease until the end of May. So I have a couple of months to get my head around everything, and someone else paying of my mortgage to start off with.

By Monday 8am the internet listing and listing at the property agents both had sold plastered across them, and that night we had the sticker up on the sign out the front of the property. It has really been all go! Like I said, I am still reeling and constantly feel like I'm going to be sick, partially nerves, partially apprehension, but mostly excitement.

It's a big move!

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