Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Outdoor Artwork

I was running along the foreshore as I normally do on a Tuesday morning, along a path that I run regularly, but was surprised by something I don't normally see. A huge net looking thing strung over the sand to make something resembling a tunnel. Not what I'm use to seeing on this river beach.

Turns out this sculpture was part of the Perth International Arts Festival and will be in place from the 7th of Feb until the 1st of March. When looking at the piece (called Net-Work) up very close, the net is actually made out of thousands of tiny metal people that are connected by their limbs.

Interested, I looked into the reason behind the sculpture a little more and it turns out it was created by a Korean artist and is about how everyone is connected these days by the many networks (hence the name) that are available, particularly in an online platform these days. So there you go!

I am thankful today for a shake up to the run I already know, giving me something new to look at and think about while I'm running, as well as the creativity of others and the willingness to share it.

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