Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Dad

Yesterday I had a conference call with the bank to discuss my home loans and all that stuff....notice how I use 'all that stuff' becuase I have no idea about the property market and home loans and repayments and everything else that goes I to them!? Well really the call was made to me 3 days a go, but I knew immediately that this was going to be a whole world I didn't understand with words I have heard thrown around in huge past but no clue what was actually meant for them. 

So I asked the bank man (don't even know what his job title is!) if I could organise a time when I had dad around to help decifer the language that was being thrown at me and confirm and deny all that I needed to. 

Thank heavens he was there. I was clueless and just ended up sitting quietly while the two if them spoke bank language to each other for around 45minutes and added my occasional yes or no to confirm things. By the end of the call though, the loan has been arrived and set up, which probably would not have been the case if I was left to sort it out on my own! 

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