Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shirts Off Saturday

Not as weird or vein as it sounds...well ok in some ways it is. Before you ask, no I'm not thankful for taking my shirt off. This guy probably is, but that's a whole different story. No, I'm thankful for the concept behind Shirts Off Saturday as it is now officially known.

The story behind the name is that the founding member in the middle there dislikes exercising with a shirt on. Something to do with heat and chaffing and just plain old getting in the way. Sometimes the shirt will last the warm up, sometimes it will make it out of the car, but in recent weeks he has resorted to not even bringing one with him....why add to his laundry pile when he doesn't need to? But, like I said, really not important in my point here today.

My point is, that I am thankful for the three of us getting together on Saturdays and doing silly things that often cause strange looks to be cast in our direction. Whether we are throwing ourselves at the ground only to jump up and do it again (also known as chest to ground burpees), crawling backwards on our hands and feet up ridiculously steep hills (backwards bear crawl), or getting into some sort of inverted position and lowering our heads to the ground hoping we don't come crashing down (handstand push ups).

As a group we thrive on the punishment that comes with a challenging workout. We have complete sessions that have lasted anywhere between 21 minutes to over 2 hours, and loved every second of it. I am thankful for having found a group of people that shares this passion of pain with me and what Shirts Off Saturday really stands for, regardless of whether the shirt is on or off...but it always has to come off for the photo!

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