Saturday, September 14, 2013

Baking for Others

I use to make cupcakes all the time. I would make them for peoples birthdays, take them to swim training, take them to uni or to prac or even just drop them off at peoples houses. I would always keep a couple for my family as well (I think they were a bit annoyed they didn't get more). But since I have started full time work, my time for baking was cut down...actually it was pretty much eliminated.

I was at a fitness session and one of my trainers, who I have know for a long time and has been the recipient of some cupcakes in the past, brought the topic up. And I realised that it would almost a year since I last made some cupcakes. So for one of our recovery/mobility sessions, at which are a heap of people I'm training with for the up coming Tough Mudder, I baked some Mud Puddle Cupcakes.

Giving them to my training group brought back that feeling of doing things for others, and being appreciated for something I'm good at, which I haven't done in a while.

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