Friday, September 13, 2013

Workout Entertainment

Today I had a pretty boring one a head on me. Incline walking on the treadmill. Normally I hate being on a treadmill, I would much rather be outside in the fresh air then in a smelly hot gym. But I'm trying to change things up a little bit so I have changed of my weekend runs to a an incline walk instead. This means I'm doing a more aerobic work out, keeping the heart rate lower and allowing my body to recover a little without the damage it gets from my pretty high intensity runs.

I have my iPod in as one attempt to keep me entertained but normally I still manage to get pretty bored looking out the same window at the same oval. But today on that oval was this group of kids practicing their karate. Today at my gym, a grading day was being held for the karate school. So these guys were out on the oval practicing their routines.

Now I have never really watched karate before. I knew that there was arm and leg movements but to be honest, what I was watching for the hour was not what I was really expecting. The routines reminded me much more of a gymnastics routine (without all the flipping, turning and leaping) then what I expected karate to look like. But hey I learnt something today.

These guys gave me one more thing to keep me entertained and made that workout go way faster then all the others I've done!

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