Sunday, September 22, 2013

Waddling Ducks

Every year around spring, ducks manage to find their way from the river to our house and like to have a swim in our pool, every day. A couple of years they have laid their eggs somewhere in my or our neighbours gardens and we have ended up with ducklings swimming in the pool...which launches the neighbourhood rescue mission to catch the 8-10 ducklings, then the mother and transport them all back to the river...but that's a whole other story.

So this year, without fail, our ducks are back (whether they are the same ducks every year, not sure) and this year they seem to be more friendly. They are now walking up to our undercover porch area, having a chat to our bird and wandering around up to the front door to see what they can find. You go outside, they don't run away. I'm still yet to decided whether this is a good or bad thing.

Mum is not so keen on them, I however think they are cute and I'm hoping we have some duck eggs in the garden somewhere.

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