Thursday, September 5, 2013


I was out running. I was coming up some stairs onto a bridge that had a big cement wall to my right and a lot of bush with a curved path to the left. I paused briefly to look both ways before joining the path and the next thing I know I'm lying on the ground with a cyclist groaning next to me and a bike lying on top of me.

The cyclist was really close to the cement wall so when I looked right I wouldn't see him without sticking my head out to be decapitated. I'm not pointing the blame anywhere as really it would be more my fault then his. But what I was really disappointed with was the way he reacted. He started yelling and swearing at me calling me an idiot, and what was I thinking and that was what I was more upset about then any of the injuries I sustained.

Not the most bright and shiny of my posts, but what I was thankful for today was the two people that stopped (one on a motor bike) to check that we were both ok...more then can be said about the guy who ran into me! I'm also thankful that I only sustained minor injuries which would heal with time.

What you see in the picture is the imprint of his front wheel on my thigh, and his helmet on my head. I also had she handle bars imprinted on my hip and big grazes up my right leg and shoulder. And somehow a deep cut on my ear.

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