Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Number One

When talking to a patient during a treatment session one day, we got talking about running, fun runs and the sense of community spirit. This patient worked at Murdoch University and was telling me about the up coming Dog and Jog fun run the University Gym was running as a community fitness event and as a fundraiser for a local charity.

Now I'm allergic to dogs, so no puppy to come for a jog with me, so I took my mum instead. I registered us both online for the 8km run, and when I went to collect our race numbers to find I was given NUMBER 1!! Kind of excited, always wanted to be number 1 in a race.  

Not only was I race number one, but it turned out that I also one the thing as well...two number one's in a day. Thanks to the quick conversation with my patient I scored a double VIP pass to a well known WA two day music festival in our southwest region, tickets that would cost the general public around $500, so thankyou number one and thankyou to my patient!

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